Becoming a Partner


The Marriage Governance Conference is a pivotal event designed to address the multifaceted aspects of marriage governance in Ghana. By bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders, the conference aims to foster comprehensive and inclusive dialogue, leading to meaningful reforms and improvements. Here are key reasons why institutions and individuals should partner with this conference:

Why Partner with MGC 2024

Partnering with the Marriage Governance Conference provides an opportunity to contribute to the development and refinement of marriage-related policies and laws, share insights and recommendations that can shape legislative reforms and promote a more equitable legal framework and advocate for changes that address current challenges and reflect contemporary societal values.

The Marriage Governance Conference represents a unique opportunity for institutions and individuals to contribute to the advancement of marriage governance in Ghana. By partnering with the conference, stakeholders can influence policy reforms, promote collaborative solutions, enhance public awareness, strengthen support systems, drive social and cultural change, and gain visibility and credibility. Together, we can create a more inclusive, equitable, and harmonious framework for marriage governance that benefits all members of society.

Reach out to us via email to discuss how you can get involved with MGC2024